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I am Haili Wu,
A UX/Product Designer

As a designer, I see myself as a bridge between technology, society, and individuals. Design plays a significant role in identifying and addressing social, production, and consumption problems derived from the development of the world in the present, near and far future. Good design is inclusive, thoughtful, respectful, and transparent by paying attention to the smallest voices and profoundly understanding the impact of the decisions being made and the technology being used. This is all to provide a joyful and safe living experience for everyone, directly and indirectly


Design, Play and Game:Delimited

The project intended to focus on the experience of 'play',  exploring how we can use games as a medium to explore and facilitate discussion about how behaviours and rules flow in society.

Design projct

Augment Instead of Neglect:The  Wool Story

The project explores the possibility of unpacking a physical object's story with AR technology. Providing a new experience of the human-object interaction.

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Animacy Interaction & Psychological Attachment: Deep Breath

The project explores possibilities to increasing psychological attachment to space and object through the perspective of animacy human-robot interaction

An Exploration Of Privacy Awareness: X-CEPT ALL 

The project is an interactive installation that offers an opportunity for its user to reflect on their online behaviour. 

Project image of EasyGreen project(Haili)

A way to reduce plastic consumption: EasyGreen

The project is an exploration of how to support students from the University of Edinburgh to reduce plastic consumption in their everyday life. The design team try to respond to the challenge by combining the power of big data, blockchain technology, and human factors design, producing an APP plus service that can encourage students to be more sustainable.

Data Visualisation:
The Crowded Orbit

I worked interdisciplinary with other designers, computer scientists and space researchers. We aim to use an interactive website to raise the awareness of the public of the crowed orbits

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Alternative Social Experience: The Playground

The speculative design theory inspired the project. By setting the project into a probable future, we establish a space to reflect our everyday living experience. 

The time is based on five years from the present when social media addiction becomes a critical problem. I slowly uncover the human factory behind the phenomenal and use design to help social media addicts to establish a positive connection with others. 

Future Remote care: Kiki

This project explores the concept of collective intelligence within the healthcare sector. Working closely with medical experts, we set the timeline to 2030 when remoted healthcare supported by collective intelligence will be more mainstream. From a user experience perspective, we intend to draw the blueprint of how 'collective intelligence' and 'remote healthcare' should approach people who have difficulty using technologies.


The projects representing the Glasgow School of Art Innovation School participated in the Tsinghua University art and design education exhibition. 

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Soil For Plants:

The project is one of the winners of the IF design competition 2020. In this project, my partner and I focus on exploring an innovative solution to reduce the environmental impact of single-use coffee cups.

The Mission of UX Design:
NHS Project

In this project, The team and I collaborate with the NHS gynaecology department in the Crosshouse hospital. Trying to improve the user experience within the patient journey. We believe UX design should be small and empathetic, warm and thoughtful.


A Brand Has Born:
Brand X Project

In this project, the team aim to design a new brand and product for a future home 'Expo exhibition'. Based on speculation about future lifestyle

The outcome of this project was exhibited at the Lighthouse Gallery, Glasgow.

New Possibility of An Item:

In this project, I reconsider the features of the camera. What is a camera? What is a playful camera? What would it look like? Whom would it for? How can the camera express its personality and generate a unique attachment with its users?

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Design that responds:
The Spark Umbrella

In this project, my teammate and I explored how to add value to a mundane by using the concept of 'Responding Design'

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