Designer/PhD Student/HCI researcher

A way to reduce plastic consumption: EasyGreen
This project explores the role that 'persuasive technology' can play in encouraging more sustainable consumption behavior. Focusing on university students, the design team developed an app-based system aimed at motivating users to reduce their consumption of harmful mater harmful materials to the environment.
Future Remote care: Kiki
This project explores the concept of collective intelligence within the healthcare sector. Working closely with medical experts, we set the timeline to 2030 when remoted healthcare supported by collective intelligence will be more mainstream. From a user experience perspective, I speculated on how 'collective intelligence' and 'remote healthcare' might approach people who have difficulty using technologies.
The projects representing the Glasgow School of Art Innovation School participated in the Tsinghua University art and design education exhibition.

Alternative Social Experience: The Playground
The project was inspired by the speculative design theory. By setting the project in a probable future, we establish a space that reflects our everyday living experience with social media.
The time frame is five years from the present when social media addiction becomes a critical problem. I slowly uncover the human factory behind the phenomenal and explore how technology might establish a positive connection in our society. With this, the project questioned about the current role of technology in facilitating positive social interaction.